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Mittwoch, 25. September 2013

Treatise on Perpetual Public Deficits and Debts; by JCS

Hi folks,

please find here

Perpetual Public Deficits and Debts

a study that I just finished on some interesting aspects of

Perpetual Public Deficits and Debts

With the help of a few simple formulas and a small simulation table, it
analyzes the pitfalls of Public deficits and Debts that no one ever can nor wants to repay,
looks at the (in)consistency of Maastricht Criteria and ECB inflation target with sustainable growth,
demonstrates that Reinhard-Rogoff  had it all wrong (90% discussion),
determines the conditions to keep at least the debt ratio stable and
finishes by showing how the problem can be solved and after that avoided by the
introduction of Positive Money-no-Debt.

Comments, suggestions and corrections welcome at jcswork@pt.lu

Jean-Claude                    25-9-2013

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