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Donnerstag, 9. Januar 2014

is "full money" enough to stabilize the economy ?

Hi folks,

a couple of days ago, the Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) had half a page on the monetary Modernization effort in Switzerland, where the MoMoCh team is preparing a signature collection for a referendum on "Vollgeld", full money.
The NZZ even stated (with horror) that the initiative aims at forbidding the banks to create money....

So I thought it would be a good moment in time to see what the "Vollgeld" initiative could or would call for, and evaluate the effects + & - in a few words, that have grown to a few pages.
It is all written in german, here is the link in the title
Reicht das Vollgeld-Konzept aus, um die Wirtschaft zu stabilisieren?

in english, it means: is "full money" enough to stabilize the economy ?

comments welcome


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